Day 92 – 100 – What is SQL and what is it used for? SQL
Day 91 – Cursors In this example, a cursor named order_cursor is used to retrieve
Day 90 – User-Defined Functions In this example, a user-defined function named fnGetProductPrice is created
Day 89 – Views In this example, a view named vwProductSales is created to retrieve
Day 88 – Triggers In this example, a trigger named trUpdateProductInventory is created to update
Day 87 – Stored Procedures In this example, a stored procedure named spGetSalesByRegion is created
Day 86 – Indexes These are database objects that are used to improve the performance
Day 85 – Transactions These are a series of SQL statements that are executed as
Day 84 – Cursors These are database objects that allow you to traverse through the
Day 83 – User-Defined Functions These are custom functions that can be created to perform
Day 82 – Views These are virtual tables that are created based on the result
Day 81 – Triggers These are database objects that are automatically executed in response to
Day 80 – Stored Procedures Stored Procedures: These are pre-compiled SQL statements that are stored
Day 79 – SQL FOREIGN KEY Constraint In SQL, a FOREIGN KEY constraint is a way to
Day 78 – MySQL CONCAT() Function In MySQL, the CONCAT() function is used to concatenate two or
Day 77- SQL SET In SQL, the SET keyword is used to update the values of
Day 75 – SQL RIGHT JOIN Keyword In SQL, a RIGHT JOIN is a type
Day 76 – SQL SELECT TOP, LIMIT and ROWNUM Keywords In SQL, the keywords TOP, LIMIT,
Day 74 – SQL CREATE PROCEDURE Keyword In SQL, the CREATE PROCEDURE statement is used to
Day 73 – SQL FOREIGN KEY Keyword In SQL, a FOREIGN KEY is a constraint that
Day 72 – SQL EXISTS Keyword SQL EXISTS keyword is used to check for the existence
Day 71 – SQL EXEC Keyword SQL EXEC keyword is used to execute a stored procedure
Day 69 – SQL SELECT DISTINCT Keyword SQL SELECT DISTINCT keyword is used to retrieve unique
Day 68 – SQL DESC Keyword SQL DESC keyword is short for “DESCRIBE”, and it
Day 67 – SQL DELETE Keyword SQL DELETE keyword is used to delete one or more
Day 66 – SQL CREATE VIEW Keyword SQL CREATE VIEW keyword is used to create a
Day 64 – SQL CREATE PROCEDURE SQL CREATE PROCEDURE keyword is used to create a stored
Day 62 – SQL CREATE Keyword SQL CREATE keyword is used to create new database objects,
Day 63 – SQL CREATE INDEX Keyword SQL CREATE INDEX keyword is used to create a
Day 61 – SQL CONSTRAINT Keyword SQL CONSTRAINT keyword is used to define rules and restrictions
Day 60 – SQL CHECK Keyword SQL CHECK keyword is used to define a condition that
Day 59 – SQL CASE Keyword SQL CASE keyword is used to add conditional logic to
Day 58 – SQL BETWEEN Keyword SQL BETWEEN keyword is used in a WHERE clause to
Day 57 – SQL BACKUP DATABASE Keyword SQL BACKUP DATABASE keyword is used to create a
Day 56 – SQL ASC Keyword SQL ASC keyword is used in the ORDER BY clause
Day 55 – SQL AS Keyword SQL AS keyword is used to give an alias or
Day 54 – SQL ANY Keyword SQL ANY keyword is used in conjunction with a comparison
Day 53 – SQL AND Keyword SQL AND keyword is a logical operator used to combine
Day 52 – SQL ALTER TABLE Keyword SQL ALTER TABLE keyword is used to modify the
Day 51 – SQL ALTER COLUMN Keyword SQL ALTER COLUMN keyword is used to modify the
Day 50 – SQL ALTER Keyword SQL ALTER keyword is used to modify the structure of
Day 49 – SQL ADD Keyword The SQL ADD keyword is used to add a new
Day 48 – SQL Keywords SQL keywords are reserved words that have a specific meaning
Day 47 – SQL Data Types for MySQL, SQL Server, and MS Access SQL data types
Day 46 – SQL Hosting SQL hosting refers to the practice of hosting a SQL
Day 44 – SQL CREATE VIEW Statement In SQL, a view is a virtual table
Day 45 – SQL Injection SQL injection is a type of security vulnerability that occurs
Day 43 – SQL Dates In SQL, dates are a common data type used to
Day 42 – AUTO INCREMENT Field In SQL, an AUTO INCREMENT field is a column
Day 41 – SQL CREATE INDEX Statement In SQL, an index is a database object
Day 40 – SQL DEFAULT Constraint In SQL, a DEFAULT constraint is used to set
Day 39 – SQL CHECK Constraint In SQL, a CHECK constraint is used to ensure
Day 38 – SQL FOREIGN KEY Constraint In SQL, a FOREIGN KEY constraint is used
Day 37 – SQL PRIMARY KEY Constraint In SQL, the PRIMARY KEY constraint is used to specify
Day 36 – SQL UNIQUE constraint SQL UNIQUE constraint is used to ensure that each
Day 35 – SQL NOT NULL Constraint SQL NOT NULL constraint is used to ensure that a
Day 34 – SQL Constraints In SQL, constraints are used to specify rules and restrictions on
Day 32 – SQL DROP TABLE SQL DROP TABLE statement is used to delete an
Day 33 – SQL ALTER TABLE SQL ALTER TABLE statement is used to modify the structure
Day 30 – SQL BACKUP DATABASE SQL BACKUP DATABASE statement is used to create a
Day 31 – SQL CREATE TABLE SQL CREATE TABLE statement is used to create a new
Day 29 – SQL DROP DATABASE The SQL DROP DATABASE statement is used to delete an
Day 28 – SQL CREATE DATABASE SQL CREATE DATABASE statement is used to create a new
Day 27 – SQL Stored Procedures SQL stored procedures are a type of program stored in
Day 26 – SQL CASE Expression SQL CASE expression is a conditional expression used to
Day 25 – SQL SELECT INTO Statement The SQL SELECT INTO statement is used to create a
Day 24 – SQL EXISTS Operator The SQL EXISTS operator is a logical operator that
Day 23 – SQL HAVING Clause The SQL HAVING clause is used in conjunction with
Day 22 – SQL GROUP BY Statement The SQL GROUP BY statement is used to group rows
Day 21 – SQL FULL OUTER JOIN Keyword The SQL FULL OUTER JOIN keyword is
Day 20 – SQL RIGHT JOIN Keyword In SQL, the RIGHT JOIN keyword is used
Day 19 – SQL LEFT JOIN Keyword In SQL, the LEFT JOIN keyword is used
Day 18 – SQL INNER JOIN Keyword In SQL, the INNER JOIN keyword is used
Day 17 – SQL Joins In SQL, a JOIN operation is used to combine rows from
Day 16 – SQL Aliases In SQL, an alias is a temporary name given to
Day 15 – SQL BETWEEN Operator In SQL, the BETWEEN operator is used to specify
Day 14 – SQL IN Operator In SQL, the IN operator is used to specify
Day 13 – SQL LIKE Operator In SQL, the LIKE operator is used to search for patterns
Day 12 – SQL COUNT(), AVG() and SUM() Functions In SQL, the COUNT(), AVG(), and SUM() functions
Day 11 – SQL MIN() and MAX() Functions In SQL, the MIN() and MAX() functions
Day 10 – SQL TOP, LIMIT, FETCH FIRST or ROWNUM Clause SQL provides different ways to limit
Day 08 – SQL UPDATE Statement The SQL UPDATE statement is used to modify existing records in
Day 09 – DELETE statement The SQL DELETE statement is used to delete one or
Day 07 – SQL NULL Values In SQL, NULL is a special marker used to indicate
Day 06 – SQL INSERT INTO statement SQL INSERT INTO statement is used to insert
Day 05 – SQL ORDER BY The SQL ORDER BY clause is used to sort
Day 04 – logical operators – AND, OR, and NOT SQL provides three logical operators
Day 03 – SQL WHERE Clause WHERE clause is used to filter data based on
Day 02 – SELECT DISTINCT Statement The SQL SELECT DISTINCT statement is used to retrieve
This 100 Days of SQL challenge is a structured approach to learn and improve your