Tag Archives: firebase

Solving On the Fly Route with Named Route in Flutter


In typical scenarios, we need to create a constructor if we want to send data from one widget or one screen to another. Let’s say we are building an e-commerce app and we have the following screens in our application.

  • main.dart  (Main Screen)
  • products_screen.dart (Products Screen)
  • product_item_screen.dart (Product Item Screen)
  • product_details_screen.dart (Product Detail Screen)

Let’s dive deep…

Assume we have few images on the Grid Tile in Products Screen. When we click one of the image, users will be sent to Product Detail Screen. When we want to send data to Product Detail Screen, the typical method is to create a constructor and then pass the data.

child: GestureDetector(
          onTap: () {
                builder: (ctx) => ProductDetailScreen(title, price),
          child: Image.network(
            fit: BoxFit.cover,

This method is called on the fly route. This method is perfectly fine but it has some downside.

Named Route

When the application grows, as requirements increases, we need to create many such on the fly route which is difficult to maintain. Specially new developers may face difficulty to understand which routes and screens the app has.

To solve this problem we have to use Named route in Main Screen.  It will be easier to find all the routes and screens that the application has.

Another problem of having on the fly route is often unnecessary data has to be passed through multiple pages or screens. We have different navigations within multiple screens and we sometime want to pass data within these screens. In this case we have to pass unnecessary data in every widget down in the tree. The problem is, sometime all the screens not necessarily need those data in the widget itself to display data. These screens simply want to forward data to another widget. To understand the concept better see the following example below.

Let’s say we want to add price field in the Product Detail Screen. So we create a constructor.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

// Product Detail Screen
class ProductDetailScreen extends StatelessWidget {
  final String title;
  final double price;

  ProductDetailScreen(this.price, this.price);
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Text(title),
      body: Center(
        child: Text(price),

We make a GestureDetector widget on Product Item Screen and make the image clickable. When we click the image, user will then be routed to Product Detail Screen. Value for price will be passed into the ProductDetailScreen as shown.

// Product Item Screen
child: GridTile(
        child: GestureDetector(
          onTap: () {
                builder: (ctx) => ProductDetailScreen(title, price),
          child: Image.network(
            fit: BoxFit.cover,
        footer: GridTileBar(
          backgroundColor: Colors.black87,
          title: Text(
            textAlign: TextAlign.center,

Remember we don’t directly display the price value in Product Item Screen. We only need to pass the value to Product Detail Screen. Because of this method unnecessary data will be used in different pages or widgets.

Unnecessary rebuilds of the major parts of the widgets causes performance issues. So no need to rebuild the entire app when just simple tiny widget needs an update.

Therefore we need a better approach. This is where Named route and State management come into play.

How to Use Named Route?

To make Named routes, first create a route table in the Main Screen. Register route name and then import corresponding files.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

import './screens/product_detail_screen.dart';
import './screens/products_overview_screen.dart';

void main() => runApp(MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  // This widget is the root of your application.
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      title: 'Shop App',
      theme: ThemeData(
        primarySwatch: Colors.blue,
      home: ProductOverviewScreen(),
      routes: {
        ProductDetailScreen.routeName: (ctx) => ProductDetailScreen(),

Use pushNamed route in the Product Item Screen. Then use id as argument. This value is important because, it will be used to retrieve data in the Product Detail Screen. You may have noticed, we are passing only id value. But in the previous method (On the fly route method, we need to pass all the required field as argument).

class ProductItem extends StatelessWidget {
  final String id;
  final String title;
  final double price;
  final String imageUrl;


  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return ClipRRect(
      borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10),
      child: GridTile(
        child: GestureDetector(
          onTap: () {
              arguments: id,
          child: Image.network(
            fit: BoxFit.cover,

Now simply remove the constructor in the Product Detail Screen that we created earlier and then use route path. Then extract id value so that we can use all the required data for each corresponding id.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class ProductDetailScreen extends StatelessWidget {
  static const routeName = '/product-detail';

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {

    final productId = ModalRoute.of(context).settings.arguments as String;
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Text('title'),
      body: Center(
        child: Text('price'),

State Management

From official Flutter doc

When we add Data provider in MyApp widget, all child widgets will be able to listen to that provider. For that we need to listen by placing a listener on any widget we want to listen. By doing so, only that widget gets rebuild as data get update.

Install provider package and add in the pubspec.yaml file. Now we are able to use provider package which give access to provider and state management.

    sdk: flutter
  provider: ^4.0.5+1

Now create products provider. This is just dummy data but, you can use your own data.

class Products with ChangeNotifier {
  List<Product> _items = [
      id: 'p1',
      title: 'Red Shirt',
      description: 'A red Shirt- Bitch',
      price: 34.99,
      id: 'p4',
      title: 'Pad',
      description: 'A red Pad',
      price: 19.99,

  List<Product> get items {
    return [..._items];

  void addProduct() {

Now we start listening by providing in different widgets of our app. Simply import it and provide it at the highest possible point of the widgets. In this case, we provide it is in MyApp widgets.

void main() => runApp(MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  // This widget is the root of your application.
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MultiProvider(
      providers: [
          create: (ctx) => Products(),
      child: MaterialApp(
        title: 'Shop App',
        theme: ThemeData(
          primarySwatch: Colors.blue,
        home: ProductOverviewScreen(),
        routes: {
          ProductDetailScreen.routeName: (ctx) => ProductDetailScreen(),

Here we are using ProductsGrid class simply to make 2 column grid for the products.

class ProductsGrid extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final productsData = Provider.of<Products>(context);
    final products = productsData.items;

    return GridView.builder(
      padding: const EdgeInsets.all(10.0),
      itemCount: products.length,
      itemBuilder: (ctx, i) => ChangeNotifierProvider.value(
        value: products[i],
        child: ProductItem(),
      gridDelegate: SliverGridDelegateWithFixedCrossAxisCount(
        crossAxisCount: 2,
        childAspectRatio: 3 / 2,
        crossAxisSpacing: 10,
        mainAxisSpacing: 10,

Now create ProductItem class which use Product provider. When we click the GestureDetector button, the ProductDetailScreen will show up.

class ProductItem extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final product = Provider.of<Product>(context, listen: false);
    // final cart = Provider.of<Cart>(context);
    return ClipRRect(
      borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10),
      child: GridTile(
        child: GestureDetector(
          onTap: () {
              arguments: product.id,
          child: Image.network(
            fit: BoxFit.cover,
        footer: GridTileBar(
          backgroundColor: Colors.black87,
          leading: Consumer<Product>(
            builder: (ctx, product, child) => IconButton(
              icon: Icon(
                  product.isFavorite ? Icons.favorite : Icons.favorite_border),
              onPressed: () {
          title: Text(
            textAlign: TextAlign.center,

Here is code for ProductDetailScreen. In this class we have to use Products model so that we can use each product properties such as name, title and description.

class ProductDetailScreen extends StatelessWidget {
  static const routeName = '/product-detail';

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final productId = ModalRoute.of(context).settings.arguments as String;
    final loadedProduct = Provider.of<Products>(context).items.firstWhere(
          (prod) => prod.id == productId,

    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Text(loadedProduct.title),
      body: Center(
        child: Text(loadedProduct.description),


There you go. Now you know how to create named routes in flutter. This is just small app with just only few screens. But named routes could be more beneficial in large apps with multiple screens. So hope you understand something from this tutorial.

Connect Firebase with Flutter for Android and iOS Apps


Firebase is simple but great backend for flutter apps. Firebase is now a product of Google which comes with countless of features such as authentication, firestore and real time database. Dart and flutter framework is also from Google hence it has official support for Firebase with FluterFire set of libraries.

The initial setup of flutter app integration with Firebase is simple and seamless. In this tutorial we will learn how to integrate Firebase backend with a flutter app.

So let’s begin…

To begin we need to create a flutter app.  To create a flutter app simply enter the following command in VS code terminal

#flutter create <appName>

flutter create flutterApp 

Now it is time to do the configuration for Firebase and connect the app with Firebase backend.

Step1: Registration app

Go to Firebase console.


In Firebase dashboard, select Create new project and give a name for your project.

Add project name

Firebase asks for analytics. For this project we will not enable Google analytics. Now select Create Project

Disable Google analytics and continue

Firebase will continue the process in the background and make the project ready for us.

Firebase will run background to make our project ready

Click Continue and then go back to Firebase dashboard. Select any app either iOS or Android.  In this case, we will start with android app and will go for iOS later.

Firebase dashboard

Now go to your project in VS code. Navigate to android/app/build.gradle. You can see the applicationId similar as com.example.firebaselogin.

You can also find the name in AndroidManifest.xml file in android folder.

Android package name and the applicationId must be same.  Simply add same name for your project. It is very important. Remember that! We will leave app nickname as blank for simplicity then Register app.

Register app

Step 2: Downloading config file

Now download config file and then store it in the flutter app. The location is important as it has API keys and other important information for Firebase to use. Location: ~flutter app/android/app folder.

Download json file

Now it is time to add Firebase SDK. Modify build.gradle file to add classpath.  Remember to open project-level build gradle (<project>/build.gradle)

Add dependencies

Step 3: Modify Gradle file

Add all plugins and click Next

Now we have successfully implemented Google service plugin in our project. We need to uninstall the app and build it again to run the app on a simulator or on a mobile device.

Go to console

Ok! Now it’s time to add iOS app

iOS has similar step. Open the iOS project in Xcode at ios/Runner/Runner.xcodeproj and copy the Bundle identifier under General:

Runner file

Select iOS platform from Firebase dashboard.  You will see a similar screen where we add an iOS Bundle ID. By default both android and iOS bundle name will be same. It is better to keep same name for consistency: leave all the optional fields blank and click Register app to move next step.

Register iOS app

Download GoogleService-Info.plist and drag this file into the root of your Xcode project within Runner: Again remember path is important.

Download plist file

It’s important to use Xcode to put the GoogleService-info.plist file, as this will not work otherwise.

Use Xcode to move plist file

Click Next

Click Next

Click Continue to console


We’ve learned how to hook a flutter application with Firebase backend. We have created both android and iOS app on Firebase backend and then configured to connect with our application by downloading GoogleService-Info.plist file.

Import CSV file to Firestore using GCP


If you have large records of data, entering each record into cloud Firestore database manually is time consuming. Not to mention that it is going to be a tedious as well. In this tutorial you will learn an easy method to import large CSV file to Google Cloud Firestore using GCP and Node.js. Therefore you need Google account and valid CSV format file.  Before that, let’s know what GCP and Cloud Firestore is all about.

let’s start…


Google provide seamless cloud computing services to various clients across the world using Google Cloud Platform (GCP). They provide series of modular services such as hosting services, data storage, data analytics and Machine Learning (ML) and many more which use Google Hardware infrastructure to run.

Cloud Firestore

When you look for a fast NoSQL document database, then there is nothing better than Cloud Firestore provided by Google. It is serverless, meaning it simplifies data storing, syncing, and data querying for developers. It also supports real time synchronization and offline support.  Security is another feature where developers spend less time on security of the application, therefore time requires to develop a mobile application is significantly reduced.

GCP setup

Create new project in Google Cloud Platform (GCP). In this case concilsVote (you can give a name as your wish). This is how the main menu looks like. Click Firestore and then Data.

Then create new project by clicking NEW PROJECT or CREATE PROJECT as shown. If you have existing project you may search the project and then use it.

Fill the form and enter CREATE. (You need to enter suitable project name and Location).

Now, select the project you just created from the drop down and then click OPEN.

You will see the following screen. Choose SELECT NATIVE MODE from the options given.

Then choose, the nearest location where to store the data and CREATE DATABASE. Please select the location carefully because we are unable to change the location once it’s being created.

You will see process of database creation process running in the background.

Now you will see a screen like this. It says Your database is ready to go. Just add data. It is time to Activate Cloud Shell.

Enter the following command below to check whether the project is configured or not.

gcloud config list project

Now set the project ID using the below command. You may see the project ID from the list.

gcloud config set project PROEJCTID
gcloud config set project concilsVote

Now write some logic to read CSV data and import it to Firestore.

Create a new directory named concilsVote in the terminal and then change the directory.

mkdir concilsVote
cd concilsVote

Initialize npm using the below command in the terminal and fill the details.

npm init

Press Yes, and enter for all the options, until package.json file is get created with the details below.

"name": "rainfallcsvexport",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "Rainfall Data conversion",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": { "test": "echo "Error: no test specified" && exit 1" },
"author": "Your name",
"license": "ISC"

Now you need to install the following dependencies. Just run the following npm commands.

npm install @google-cloud/firestore
npm install csv-parse

Create a new file named concilVote.js using the command in the terminal (Any name is fine). Copy the below code and paste in the file.

const {readFile}  = require('fs').promises;
const {promisify} = require('util');
const parse       = promisify(require('csv-parse'));
const {Firestore} = require('@google-cloud/firestore');
if (process.argv.length < 3) {
  console.error('Please include a path to a csv file');
const db = new Firestore();
function writeToFirestore(records) {
  const batchCommits = [];
  let batch = db.batch();
  records.forEach((record, i) => {
    var docRef = db.collection('rainfall').doc(record.SUBDIVISION);
    batch.set(docRef, record);
    if ((i + 1) % 500 === 0) {
      console.log(`Writing record ${i + 1}`);
      batch = db.batch();
  return Promise.all(batchCommits);
async function importCsv(csvFileName) {
  const fileContents = await readFile(csvFileName, 'utf8');
  const records = await parse(fileContents, { columns: true });
  try {
    await writeToFirestore(records);
  catch (e) {
  console.log(`Wrote ${records.length} records`);
importCsv(process.argv[2]).catch(e => console.error(e));

Now we will upload the CSV file. Upload the CSV file to the concilVote folder by right-clicking the folder name.

To import data to Firestore simply run the following command.

node concilVote.js concilVote.csv

Click Enter, and now you are able to see the data getting imported. If everything goes well, you will see a message like below, in the console. Now just refresh the Firestore console page and you will see the data.

Wrote 5302 records
