Author Archives: Febronei

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind – Chapter 14

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

This book explain how your own subconscious thoughts shape your life and your surroundings.

If you want to be successful at something then just start doing it. You will reach to your goals at some point as long as you keep the right mindset and learn the tasks.

Dr Murphy explains each and everything with real life examples making it simple for the reader to relate and develop. This book offers some really great skills to learn with numerous examples. You can read some of the stories below.

I would recommend this book to anyone.

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Chapter 14: Your Subconscious Mind and Marital Problems

No Need for Third Mistake

Recently Sheila B., a woman with many years of experience as an administrator, said to me, “I have had three husbands and all three have been passive and submissive. They all depended on me to make all decisions and govern everything. Why do I attract such men?”

I asked her if she had known before getting married the second time that her prospective husband had a similar character to her first husband.

“Of course not,” she said emphatically. “If I had known he was such a milquetoast, I wouldn’t have had anything to do with him. And the same goes for my third.”

Sheila’s trouble did not lie with the men she married. It was a result of her own personality make-up. She was a very assertive person with a strong need to stay in control of every situation she found herself in. On one level she wanted a partner who would be submissive and passive so that she could play the dominant role.

At the same time, her deeper need was for a partner who would be her equal. Her subconscious picture attracted to her the sort of man that she subjectively wanted, but once she found one, she discovered that he did not meet her real needs. She had to learn to break this pattern by adopting the right prayer process.

How She Broke the Negative Pattern

Sheila B. finally learned a simple truth. When you believe you can have the type of partner you idealize, it is done unto you as you believe. To break the old subconscious pattern and attract to herself the ideal mate, Sheila used the following prayer:

I am building into my mentality the type of man I deeply desire. The man I attract for a husband is strong, powerful, loving, successful, honest, loyal, and faithful. He finds love and happiness with me. I love to follow where he leads.

I know he wants me, and I want him. I am honest, sincere, loving, and kind. I have wonderful gifts to offer him. They are goodwill, a joyous heart, and a healthy body. He offers me the same. It is mutual. I give and I receive.

Divine intelligence knows where this man is, and the deeper wisdom of my subconscious mind is now bringing both of us together in its own way, and we recognize each other immediately. I release this request to my subconscious mind which knows how to bring my request to pass. I give thanks for the perfect answer.

She did this every day, first thing in the morning and last thing before going to sleep. She affirmed these truths in the confident knowledge that through frequent occupation of the mind she would reach the mental equivalent of what she sought.

The Answer to Her Prayer

Several months went by. Sheila had a number of dates and social engagements, but none of the men she met was what she was looking for. She began to wonder if her quest was hopeless. She found herself starting to question, waiver, doubt, and vacillate. At that point, she reminded herself that the infinite intelligence was bringing it to pass in its own way. There was nothing to be concerned about. When she received the final decree in her divorce proceedings, it brought her a great sense of release and mental freedom.

Soon afterward, she took a new position as head administrator in a medical group practice. The first day she was on the job, one of the senior physicians came by her office to introduce himself. He had been out of town at a medical conference the day she had interviewed for the position.

The minute he walked in, she knew he was the man she was praying for. Apparently he knew it, too. He proposed to her before a month had passed. Their subsequent marriage was ideally happy. This physician was not the passive or submissive type. He was strong, confident, and decisive. Well respected in his field, a former college athlete, he was also a deeply spiritual man.

Sheila got what she prayed for because she claimed it mentally until she reached the point of saturation. In other words, she mentally and emotionally united with her idea, and it became a part of her.

Drifting into Divorce

I once spoke with a young couple who had been married for only a few months but were already seeking a divorce. I discovered that the young man had a constant fear that his wife would leave him.

He expected rejection and believed that she would be unfaithful to him. These thoughts haunted his mind and became an obsession with him. His mental attitude was one of separation and suspicion. She felt unresponsive to him, but this was a result of his own feeling. The atmosphere of separation operating through his subconscious mind brought about a condition or action in accordance with the mental pattern behind it. There is a law of action and reaction, or cause and effect. The thought is the action, and the response of the subconscious mind is the reaction.

His wife left home and asked for a divorce – exactly what he had feared and believed she would do.

Divorce Begins in the Mind

Divorce takes place first in the mind; the legal proceedings follow after. These two young people were full of resentment, fear, suspicion, and anger. These attitudes weaken, exhaust, and debilitate the whole being. They learned that hate divides and that love unites. They began to realize what they had been doing with their minds. Neither of them knew the law of mental action. They were misusing their minds and bringing chaos and misery on themselves.

At my suggestion, this couple got back together and experimented with prayer therapy. They began to radiate love, peace, and goodwill to each other. Each one practiced radiating harmony, health, peace, and love to the other, and they alternated in the reading of the Psalms every night. As a result of this sincere effort on their part, and the impregnation of their subconscious minds with beneficial impulses, their marriage is growing more beautiful every day.


The best time to prevent divorce is before marriage. If you learn how to pray in the right way, you will attract the right mate for you.

Marriage is the union of a man and woman who are bound together by love. Their hearts beat as one, and they move onward, upward, and Godward.

Marriage does not guarantee happiness. People find happiness by dwelling on the eternal truths of God and the spiritual values of life. Then, the man and woman can contribute to each other’s happiness and joy.

You must build into your mentality the mental equivalent of what you want in a marriage partner. If you want to attract an honest, sincere, and loving partner in life, you must be honest, sincere, and loving yourself.

You do not have to repeat mistakes in marriage. When you really believe you can have the type of man or woman you idealize, it is done unto you as you believe. To believe is to accept something as true. Accept your ideal companion now mentally.

Do not wonder how, why, or where you will meet the mate you are praying for. Trust implicitly the wisdom of your subconscious mind. It has the power to carry out its mission. You don’t have to assist it.

Partners who love each other do not do anything unloving or unkind in word, manner, or action. Love is what love does.

In marital problems, always seek expert advice. You would not go to a carpenter to pull a tooth; neither should you discuss your marriage problems with relatives or friends. If you need counsel, go to a trained person.

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind – Chapter 13

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

This book explain how your own subconscious thoughts shape your life and your surroundings.

If you want to be successful at something then just start doing it. You will reach to your goals at some point as long as you keep the right mindset and learn the tasks.

Dr Murphy explains each and everything with real life examples making it simple for the reader to relate and develop. This book offers some really great skills to learn with numerous examples. You can read some of the stories below.

I would recommend this book to anyone.

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Chapter 13: Your Subconscious and the Wonders of Sleep

You Need More Sleep

In 1964, a seventeen-year-old boy named Randy Gardner set out to win a place in the Guinness Book of World Records. He kept himself awake for 264 hours – eleven straight days! Later tests showed that he had suffered no permanent damage. However, during the time he was keeping himself awake, his thinking processes deteriorated. His speech became slurred. He suffered from memory lapses. In the later hours, he started to experience hallucinations.

Most people who are chronically short on sleep do not go to such extremes. However, they too may suffer from serious effects.

Sleep Brings Counsel

Sandra F. is a young woman in Los Angeles who has often listened to my radio talks. She told me that she had been offered a position in New York City at twice her present salary. She could not decide whether or not to accept the new job. Before going to sleep, she prayed in these words:

The creative intelligence of my subconscious mind knows what is best for me. Its tendency is always lifeward, and it reveals to me the right decision, which blesses me and all concerned. I give thanks for the answer that I know will come to me.

She repeated this simple prayer over and over as a lullaby as she drifted to sleep. In the morning, she had a persistent feeling that she should not accept the offer. She rejected it. Later events verified her inward sense of knowing. A few months after the job offer, the company went bankrupt.

The conscious mind may be correct on the objectively known facts. However, it was the intuitive faculty of the subconscious mind that realized the problems with the company and prompted her accordingly.

Saved From Certain Disaster

Many years ago, I was offered a lucrative assignment in the Far East. I prayed for guidance and the right decision as follows:

Infinite intelligence within me knows all things. The right decision is revealed to me in divine order. I will recognize the answer when it comes.

I repeated this simple prayer over and over as a lullaby prior to sleep. That night, I had a dream in which an old friend came to me. He held out a newspaper and said, “Read these headlines! Do not go!” The headlines of the newspaper trumpeted stories of violence, unrest, and war-all of which occurred not long afterward in the area where I had been asked to go.

Your subconscious mind is all-wise. It knows all things. Often it will speak to you, but in a voice that your conscious mind will immediately accept. In the dream I just related, which doubtless saved me from putting myself in a situation of grave danger, my subconscious mind projected its warning in the guise of a person whom I trusted and respected.

To some, a warning may come in the form of a mother who appears in a dream. She tells the person not to go here or there, and the reason for the warning. Sometimes your subconscious will warn you in your waking hours. You think you hear a voice that sounds like that of your mother or some loved one. You stop and turn, looking for its source. Later you find that if you had gone on the way you were going, you might have been struck on the head by an object falling from a window.

A Cat Nap Nets Him $15,000

Years ago, one of my students mailed me a newspaper clipping about a man named Ray Hammerstrom who worked as a roller in a Pittsburgh steel mill. The mill had recently installed a new machine that controlled the delivery of newly forged steel bars to what were called cooling beds. Despite, the best efforts of the installers, the machine could not be made to work properly. Engineers worked on it for several days, but to no avail.

Hammerstrom thought a lot about the problem. He tried to figure out a new design that might work. Nothing came to him. One afternoon he lay down for a nap. As he fell asleep, he thought about the switch problem. During his nap, he had a dream in which he saw a perfect design for the faulty switch. When he awoke, he sketched his new design according to the outline of his dream.

This visionary cat nap won Hammerstrom a check for $15,000, the largest award the firm had ever given an employee for a new idea.

How a Professor Solved His Problem in Sleep

Dr. H. V. Helprecht was an eminent professor of Assyrian at the University of Pennsylvania. In his memoirs, he recounted an amazing experience.

One Saturday evening I had been wearying myself, in the vain attempt to decipher two small fragments of agate which were supposed to belong to the finger rings of some Babylonians.

About midnight, weary and exhausted, I went to bed and dreamed the following remarkable dream: A tall, thin priest of Nippur, about forty years of age, led me to the treasure chamber of the temple. ..a small, low-ceilinged room without windows, while scraps of agate and lapislazuli lay scattered on the floor. Here he addressed me as follows: “The two fragments which you have published separately on pages 22 and 26 belong together, are not finger rings. The first two rings served as earrings for the statue of the god; the two fragments (you have) are the portions of them. If you will put them together you will have confirmation of my words.” …I awoke at once. ..I examined the fragments. ..and to my astonishment found the dream verified. The problem was then at last solved.

This demonstrates clearly the creative manifestation of his subconscious mind, which knew the answer to all his problems.


If you are worried that you will not wake up on time, suggest to your subconscious mind prior to sleep the exact time you wish to arise and it will awaken you. It needs no clock. Do the same thing with all problems. There is nothing too hard for your subconscious.

Guidance is given you while you are asleep, sometimes in a dream. The healing currents are also released, and in the morning you feel refreshed and rejuvenated.

Sleep is essential for peace of mind and health of body. Lack of sleep can cause irritation, depression, and mental disorders. You need eight hours’ sleep.

Sleep brings counsel. Prior to sleep, claim that the infinite intelligence of your subconscious mind is guiding and directing you. Then, watch for the lead that comes, perhaps on awakening.

Your future is in your mind now, based on your habitual thinking and beliefs. Claim infinite intelligence leads and guides you and that all good is yours, and your future will be wonderful. Believe it and accept it. Expect the best, and invariably the best will come to you.

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind – Chapter 12

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

This book explain how your own subconscious thoughts shape your life and your surroundings.

If you want to be successful at something then just start doing it. You will reach to your goals at some point as long as you keep the right mindset and learn the tasks.

Dr Murphy explains each and everything with real life examples making it simple for the reader to relate and develop. This book offers some really great skills to learn with numerous examples. You can read some of the stories below.

I would recommend this book to anyone.

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Chapter 12: How Scientists Use the Subconscious Mind

Many of the most creative scientists in history have realized the true importance of the subconscious mind. Edison, Marconi, Einstein, and many others have used the subconscious mind to give them the insight and the “know-how” to bring about their great achievements. The ability to bring into action the power of the subconscious mind is one of the most important factors in determining the success of great scientific and research workers.

One of the most amazing examples of this can be found in the life of the celebrated chemist, Friedrich von Stradonitz. He had been struggling for a long time to understand the chemical structure of the hydrocarbon called benzine. This is a compound that contains six atoms of carbon and six of hydrogen. Stradonitz was constantly perplexed by the problem. All his efforts seemed to lead nowhere.

Unable to solve the riddle, tired and exhausted, Stradonitz turned the matter over completely to his subconscious mind. Shortly afterward, as he was about to board a London bus, his subconscious presented his conscious mind with a sudden flash. In his mind, Stradonitz saw the image of a snake biting its own tail and turning around like a pinwheel. This message from his subconscious mind inspired him to orient his search in a different direction. Soon he arrived at the long-sought answer, the circular arrangement of atoms that is known as the benzine ring.

How a Distinguished Scientist Brought Forth His Inventions

Nikola Tesla was a brilliant pioneer in the field of electricity. The Tesla coil, an exhibit in science museums that is always a favorite with children, was only one of his inventions. This is a charged metal sphere. When someone touches it, the static electricity makes his or her hair stand straight up. Tesla also experimented with the concept of broadcasting energy. His ideas on this topic are still considered revolutionary.

Tesla was a convinced user of the power of the subconscious mind. Whenever he had an idea for a new invention or a new research direction, he would build it up in his imagination, then turn it over to his subconscious mind. He knew that his subconscious mind would reconstruct and reveal to his conscious mind all the parts needed for its manufacture in concrete form. Through quietly contemplating every possible improvement, he wasted no time on correcting defects. He was able to give the technicians working with him the perfect end product of his mind.

In an interview, he said, “Invariably, my device works as I imagined it should. In twenty years there has not been a single exception.”

How a Famous Naturalist Solved His Problem

Professor Louis Agassiz of Harvard University was one of the most distinguished American naturalists of the nineteenth century. He discovered the great powers of his subconscious mind while he slept. The following example comes from a biography of Agassiz, written by his widow. He had been for two weeks striving to decipher the somewhat obscure impression of a fossil fish on the stone slab in which it was preserved. Weary and perplexed, he put his work aside at last, and tried to dismiss it from his mind. Shortly after, he waked one night persuaded that while asleep he had seen his fish with all the missing features perfectly restored. But when he tried to hold and make fast the image it escaped him. Nevertheless, he went early to the Jardin des Plantes, thinking that on looking anew at the impression he should see something which would put him on the track of his vision. In vain – the blurred record was as black as ever. The next night he saw the fish again, but with no more satisfactory result. When he awoke it disappeared from his memory as before. Hoping that the same experience might be repeated, on the third night he placed a pencil and paper beside his bed before going to sleep.

Accordingly, toward morning the fish reappeared in his dream, confusedly at first, but at last with such distinctness that he had no longer any doubt as to its zoological characters. Still half dreaming, in perfect darkness, he traced these characters on the sheet of paper at the bedside. In the morning he was surprised to see in his nocturnal sketch features which he thought it impossible the fossil itself should reveal. He hastened to the Jardin des Plantes, and, with his drawing as a guide, succeeded in chiseling away the surface of the stone under which portions of the fish proved to be hidden. When wholly exposed it corresponded with his dream and his drawing, and he succeeded in classifying it with ease.

How an Outstanding Physician Solved The Problem of Diabetes

In the 1920s, Dr. Frederick Banting, a brilliant Canadian physician and researcher, focused his attention on the ravages of diabetes, At that time medical science offered no effective method of arresting the disease. Dr, Banting spent considerable time experimenting and studying the international literature on the subject, but every path he explored seemed to be a dead end.

One night, exhausted by still another long day of what seemed to be wasted efforts, he fell asleep. While he lay sleeping, his subconscious mind instructed him to extract the residue from the degenerated pancreatic duct of dogs. This inspiration led him to the discovery of insulin, which has helped countless millions of people since. You will note that Dr. Banting had been consciously dwelling on the problem for some time, seeking a solution, a way out. His subconscious responded accordingly.

It does not follow that you will always get an answer overnight. The answer may not come for some time. Do not be discouraged. Keep on turning the problem over every night to the subconscious mind prior to sleep, as if you had never done it before.

If you continue to experience a delay in arriving at a solution, maybe you are thinking of the question you are presenting to your subconscious mind as a major one that will take a long time to solve. This would not be surprising. We are usually tempted to believe our problems are difficult. If they weren’t, they wouldn’t be problems. However, this is a mistake. Your subconscious mind is timeless and spaceless. Go to sleep believing you have the answer now. Do not postulate that the answer will have to wait to come in the future. Have an abiding faith in the outcome. Become convinced now as you read this book that there is an answer and a perfect solution for you.

How a Scientist Escaped From a Soviet Concentration Camp

Dr. Lothar von Blenk-Schmidt, an outstanding electronics engineer, was locked up in a Soviet prison camp during World War II. He credits his survival and eventual escape to freedom to the powers of his subconscious mind.

I was a prisoner of war in a coal mine in Russia, and I saw men dying all around me in that prison compound. We were watched over by brutal guards, arrogant officers, and sharp, fast-thinking commissars. After a short medical checkup, a quota of coal was assigned to each person. My quota was three hundred pounds per day. In case any man did not fill his quota, his small food ration was cut down, and in a short time he was resting in the cemetery.

I started concentrating on my escape. I knew that my subconscious mind would somehow find a way. My home in Germany was destroyed, my family wiped out; all my friends and former associates were either killed in the war or were in concentration camps. I said to my subconscious mind, “I want to go to Los Angeles, and you will find the way.” I had seen pictures of Los Angeles and I remembered some of the boulevards very well as well as some of the buildings.

Every day and night I would imagine I was walking down Wilshire Boulevard with an American girl whom I met in Berlin prior to the war (she is now my wife). In my imagination we would visit the stores, ride buses, and eat in the restaurants. Every night I made it a special point to drive my imaginary American automobile up and down the boulevards of Los Angeles. I made all this vivid and real. These pictures in my mind were as real and as natural to me as one of the trees outside the prison camp.

Every morning the chief guard would count the prisoners as they were lined up. He would call out “one, two, three,” etc., and when seventeen was called out, which was my number in sequence, I stepped aside. In the meantime, the guard was called away for a minute or so, and on his return he started by mistake on the next man as number seventeen. When the crew returned in the evening, the number of men was the same, and I was not missed, and the discovery would take a long time.

I walked out of the camp undetected and kept walking for twentyfour hours, resting in a deserted town the next day. I was able to live by fishing and killing some wildlife. I found coal trains going to Poland and traveled on them by night, until finally I reached Poland. With the help of friends, I made my way to Lucerne, Switzerland.

One evening at the Palace Hotel, Lucerne, I had a talk with a man and his wife from the United States of America. This man asked me if I would care to be a guest at his home in Santa Monica, California. I accepted, and when I arrived in Los Angeles, I found that their chauffeur drove me along Wilshire Boulevard and many other boulevards which I had imagined so vividly in the long months in the Russian coal mines. I recognized the buildings which I had seen in my mind so often. It actually seemed as if I had been in Los Angeles before. I had reached my goal.

I will never cease to marvel at the wonders of the subconscious mind. Truly, it has ways we know not of.

How to Receive Guidance from Your Subconscious

In receiving guidance from the subconscious mind, the simple way is the best. Here is an illustration. I once lost a valuable ring that was a family heirloom. I looked everywhere for it, but it was nowhere to be found. I was worried and distressed by the loss. That night I talked to my subconscious mind, in the same way that I would talk to anyone. Before dropping off to sleep, I said to it, “You know all things. You know where that ring is, and you now reveal to me where it is.”

In the morning, I woke up suddenly with these words ringing in my ear: “Ask Robert!”

This seemed very strange to me. The only Robert I could think of offhand was the nine-year-old son of my next-door neighbors. Why should he know anything about the location of my ring? However, I followed the inner voice of intuition.

I found Robert in his yard and described the ring to him. “You haven’t seen it, have you?” I asked.

“Oh, sure,” he replied. “I found it in the bushes yesterday when I was playing hide and seek. I didn’t know whose it was, so I took it inside and put it on my desk. I was going to put up a sign about it, but I forgot.”

His Subconscious Revealed the Location of His Father’s Will

Hugo R. was a young man who attended my lectures in Los Angeles. He told me of his experience with the power of the subconscious mind. His father had died suddenly, apparently leaving no will. However, his sister told him that their father had once mentioned making his will and told her that he had done his best to make it fair to everyone.

Hugo realized that if his late father were ruled to have died intestate (without a will), the property would be divided up according to rules made by the state. It was not likely that this would fit their father’s desires. Moreover, legal fees would consume much of the estate. He and

his sister looked everywhere, but they could not locate the will. They began to wonder whether the will existed at all.

Then Hugo remembered what he had learned about using the subconscious mind. Before going to sleep, he talked to his deeper mind, saying, “I now turn this request over to the subconscious mind.

It knows where my father’s will is and reveals it to me.” Then he condensed his request down to one word, “Answer.” He repeated it over and over again, like a lullaby. He went to sleep with the word “Answer” echoing in his mind. The next morning, he woke up with a tremendous urge to visit a certain bank in downtown Los Angeles. He wondered about this. Had he heard his father mention it once?

Had he noticed a letter from the bank in his father’s mail? He didn’t know, but he did know that he had to check out this hunch. He went to the bank that morning. Eventually, a bank officer confirmed that there was a safe-deposit box in the vault registered in the name of his late father. When the box was opened, the missing will was discovered inside.


By giving your conscious attention and devotion to the solution of a perplexing problem, your subconscious mind gathers all the necessary information and presents it full-blown to the conscious mind.

If you are wondering about the answer to a problem, try to solve it objectively. Get all the information you can from research and also from others. If no answer comes, turn it over to your subconscious mind prior to sleep, and the answer always comes. It never fails.

You do not always get the answer overnight. Keep on turning your request over to your subconscious until the day breaks and the shadows flee away.

You delay the answer by thinking it will take a long time or that it is a major problem. Your subconscious has no problem, it knows only the answer.

Turn over your request for a solution to your subconscious prior to sleep. Trust it and believe in it, and the answer will come. It knows all and sees all, but you must not doubt or question its powers.

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind – Chapter 11

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

This book explain how your own subconscious thoughts shape your life and your surroundings.

If you want to be successful at something then just start doing it. You will reach to your goals at some point as long as you keep the right mindset and learn the tasks.

Dr Murphy explains each and everything with real life examples making it simple for the reader to relate and develop. This book offers some really great skills to learn with numerous examples. You can read some of the stories below.

I would recommend this book to anyone.

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Chapter 11: Your Subconscious Mind as a Partner in Success

I once met a professional criminal in London who told me something of his exploits. He had amassed a large fortune that allowed him to live in luxury in his house outside London and his summer home in France. In luxury, yes, but not in comfort. He was in constant dread of being arrested by Scotland Yard. He had many inner disorders that were undoubtedly caused by his constant fear and deep-seated guilt complex. He knew he had done wrong. This deep sense of guilt attracted all kinds of trouble to him.

Later, I heard that he had voluntarily turned himself in to the police and had served a prison sentence. After his release from prison, he sought psychological and spiritual counsel and became transformed. He went to work and became an honest, law-abiding citizen. He found what he loved to do and was happy.

How He Made His Dream Come True

In Hollywood, I met an actor whose name is probably familiar to every moviegoer or television fan. He confided to me that he had grown up on a small farm in the Midwest. His family was just scraping by. His only entertainment was an old black-and-white TV that barely pulled in two channels. Even so, he began to dream of being an actor. The dream occupied him more and more.

“All the time I was out working in the fields,” he said, “or driving the cows back to the barn, I imagined that I could see my name in big letters on the marquee of a great theater. I saw every detail – the crowds of fans, the interviewers clamoring to speak to me. I kept this up for years.”

“Finally, I left home. I carne to Los Angeles and got work as an extra in films and TV shows. Before long, I got my first starring role. The night of the premiere, I drove to the theater and almost fainted. There was my name in lights, there were the crowds and the news reporters, all just as I had imagined them as a child. ” He added, “I, more than anyone, understand how the power of sustained imagination can bring success.”

Her Dream Pharmacy Became A Reality

Some years ago I got to know a young pharmacist named Mary S. She worked in the prescription department of a big chain drugstore. One day while she was filling a prescription for me, we started talking. I asked her how she liked her work.

“Oh, it’s fine,” she said. “Between my salary and commissions, I do okay, and the company has a good profit sharing program. With any luck, I’ll be able to retire while I’m still young enough to enjoy life.”

I was silent for a moment. Then I asked, “Was that the way you thought it would be as a child, when you decided you wanted to be a pharmacist?”

Her face grew troubled. “Well, no,” she replied. “I guess not. I always saw myself with my own store. I wanted to walk down the street and have people say hello to me and call me by name. And I’d know all their names, because I was their druggist. You’re going to think this is strange, but I even dreamed about having parents call me in the middle of the night because their kid was sick. I’d pull my clothes on over my pajamas and go down to the store to get them the medicine they needed. Not much like a nine-to-five job behind a counter at the back end of a big store, is it?”

“It certainly isn’t,” I said. “But why shouldn’t you follow your dream? Wouldn’t you be happier and more productive? Raise your sights. Get out of this place. Start your own store.” “How can I?” she said, shaking her head. “That takes big money, and we’re just getting by from month to month.”

My response was to share with her a wonderful fact: Whatever she could conceive as true, she could bring into being. I went on to tell her something about the powers of her subconscious mind. She soon understood that if she could succeed in impregnating her subconscious mind with a clear and specific idea, those powers would somehow bring it to pass.

She began to imagine that she was in her own store. She mentally arranged the bottles, dispensed prescriptions, and imagined waiting on customers who were also her neighbors and friends. She also visualized a big bank balance. Mentally she worked in that imaginary store. Like a good actor, she lived the role. Act as though I am, and I will be. She put herself wholeheartedly into the act, living, moving, and acting on the assumption that she owned the store.

Several years later, Mary wrote me to say what had happened to her life since our conversation. The chain store she worked for went under because of competition from a larger store at a new mall. She found a job as a traveling representative for a major drug company, handling a territory that covered several states.

One day her work took her to a small town on the western edge of her territory. There was only one drugstore in town. She had never been there before, but the moment she walked in, she recognized it. It was exactly the store she had visualized so clearly in her imagination.

Flabbergasted, she told the elderly owner of the drugstore about this amazing coincidence. In turn, the owner confided that he was about ready to retire but did not want to sell a store that had been in his family for three generations to some big corporation.

After several discussions, the owner offered to lend her the money to buy the store. She would be able to make the payments on the loan out of the profits of the business. The young woman moved her family to the town and soon was able to make a down payment on a big old house within walking distance of the store. Now, when she walks to work in the morning, everyone she passes says hello and calls her by name. They know her, because she is their druggist.

Using the Subconscious Mind in Business

Some years ago I gave a lecture to a group of business executives on the powers of imagination and the subconscious mind. In the course of the lecture, I described how the great German poet Goethe used his imagination wisely when confronted with difficulties and predicaments.

According to Goethe’s biographers, he was accustomed to filling many hours quietly holding imaginary conversations. He would imagine one of his friends sitting across from him, answering him in the right way. In other words, if hi were concerned over any problems, he imagined his friend giving him the right or appropriate answer, accompanied with his usual gestures and tonal qualities of the voice. He made the entire imaginary scene as real and as vivid as possible.

One of the people present at this lecture was a young stockbroker. She proceeded to adopt the technique of Goethe. She began to have imaginary conversations with a multimillionaire investor who knew her and had once congratulated her on her wise and sound judgment in recommending stocks. She dramatized this imaginary conversation until she had psychologically fixed it as a form of belief in her mind.

This broker’s inner talking and controlled imagination certainly agreed with her aim, which was to make sound investments for her clients. Her main purpose in life was to make money for her clients and to see them prosper financially by her wise counsel. She is still using her subconscious mind in her business, and she is a brilliant success in her field. She was recently interviewed in an article in a major financial magazine.

A Boy of Sixteen Turns Failure into Success

Sixteen-year-old Todd M. told me, “I’m failing everything. I don’t know why. I guess I’m just stupid. Maybe I’d better drop out of school before they flunk me out.”

As we talked further, I discovered that the only thing wrong with Todd was his attitude. He felt indifferent toward his studies and resentful toward some of his teachers and fellow students.

I taught him how to use his subconscious mind to succeed in his studies. He began to affirm certain truths several times a day, particularly at night just prior to sleep and first thing after awakening in the morning. As we have seen, these are the best times to impregnate the subconscious mind.

He affirmed as follows:

I realize that my subconscious mind is a storehouse of memory. It retains everything I read and hear from my teachers. I have a perfect memory at my disposal, if I choose to use it. The infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind constantly reveals to me everything I need to know on all my examinations, whether written or oral. I radiate love and goodwill to all my teachers and fellow students. I sincerely wish for them success and all good things.

Todd is now enjoying a greater freedom than he has ever known. He is now receiving all A’s. He constantly imagines the teachers and his parents congratulating him on his success in his studies.

How She Succeeded in Getting What She Wanted

There is a young woman, Margaret T., who regularly attended my lectures and classes. Because of where she lived, she had to change buses three times to get to the hall. It took her one and a half hours each way to attend a lecture. In one of my lectures, she heard me explain how a young man who needed a car in his work received one.

She went home and experimented with the technique I had outlined in my lecture. She later wrote me a letter telling me how she had applied my methods and what followed. I publish it here with her permission.

Dear Dr. Murphy:

I knew that I had to have a car for my personal growth. There was no other way I could go on attending your lectures regularly. I decided that, as long as I was trying to obtain a car, I should try to obtain the car I had always dreamed about, which is a Cadillac.

In my imagination I went through all the steps I would go through if I were actually buying and driving a car. I saw myself going into the showroom and test driving the model I was interested in. I claimed that Cadillac as my own over and over again.

I kept the mental picture of getting into the car, driving it, feeling the upholstery, and so on, consistently for over two weeks. last week I drove to your lecture in a Cadillac. My uncle in Inglewood had passed away and left me his Cadillac and his entire estate.


Success means successful living. When you are peaceful, happy, joyous, and doing what you love to do, you are successful.

Find out what you love to do, then do it. If you don’t know your true expression, ask for guidance, and the lead will come.

Specialize in your particular field and try to know more about it than anyone else.

Those who are successful are not selfish. Their main desire in life is to serve humanity.

A successful person possesses great psychological and spiritual understanding.

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind – Chapter 10

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

This book explain how your own subconscious thoughts shape your life and your surroundings.

If you want to be successful at something then just start doing it. You will reach to your goals at some point as long as you keep the right mindset and learn the tasks.

Dr Murphy explains each and everything with real life examples making it simple for the reader to relate and develop. This book offers some really great skills to learn with numerous examples. You can read some of the stories below.

I would recommend this book to anyone.

Check more reviews and details on Amazon.

Chapter 10: Your Right to Be Rich

When blood is circulating freely in your body, you are healthy. When money is circulating freely in your life, you are economically healthy. When people begin to hoard money, to put it away in tin boxes and become charged with fear, they become economically ill.

“the love of money is the root of all evil.”

Money and a Balanced Life

One time a man came up to me and said, “I am broke. But that’s all right. I do not like money. It is the root of all evil.” These statements represent the thinking of a confused, neurotic mind. Love of money to the exclusion of everything else will cause you to become lopsided and unbalanced. You a here to use your power or authority wisely. Some people crave power, others crave money.

If you set your heart on money exclusively and say, “Money is all I want; I am going to give all my attention to amassing money; nothing else matters,” you can get money and gain a fortune, but at what cost! You have forgotten that you are here to lead a balanced life. You must also satisfy the hunger for peace of mind, harmony, love, joy, and perfect health.

By making money your sole aim, you made a wrong choice. You thought that was all you wanted, but you found after all your efforts that it was not only the money you needed. No one on his deathbed wishes he had spent more time making money! You also desire true expression of your hidden talents, true place in life, beauty, and the joy of contributing to the welfare and success of others. By learning the laws of your subconscious mind, you could have a million dollars or many millions, if you wanted them, and still have peace of mind, harmony, perfect health, and perfect expression.

Poverty is a Mental Illness

If you were physically ill, you would realize there was something wrong with you. You would seek help and try to cure the condition at once. In the same way, if you do not have enough money constantly circulating in your life, there is something radically wrong with you. The urge of the life principle in you is toward growth, expansion, and the life more abundant. You are not here to live in a hovel, dress in rags, and go hungry. You should be happy, prosperous, and successful.

How the Scientific Thinker Looks at Money

Since money is simply a symbol, we could just as easily use lead or tin or some other metal as a medium of exchange. In the earlier part of the twentieth century, U.S. dimes and quarters were made of silver. At times, they contained ten cents or twenty-five cents worth of silver. Then the government started making them of cheaper metals. But the worth of a quarter is still twenty-five cents, even if the metal that makes it up is worth far less than that.

How to Attract the Money You Need

Many years ago I met a young man in Australia who told me that his fondest dream was to become a physician. He was taking science classes and doing brilliantly, but he had no way to pay for medical school. His parents were both dead. To support himself, he cleaned doctors’ offices in the local hospital’s professional building. I explained to him that a seed planted in the soil attracts to itself everything it needs for its proper unfolding. All he had to do was to take a lesson from the seed and plant the required idea in his subconscious mind.

Every night, as this young man went to sleep, he visualized a medical diploma with his name in big, bold letters. He found it easy to create a sharp, detailed image of the diploma. Part of his job was to dust and polish the framed diplomas hanging on the walls of the doctors’ offices, and he studied them as he cleaned them.

He persisted with this visualization technique every night for about four months. Then one of the doctors whose office he cleaned asked if he would like to become a physician’s assistant. The doctor paid for him to attend a training program where he learned a wide variety of medical skills, then gave him a job as his assistant. He was so impressed with the young man’s brilliance and determination that he later helped him through medical school. Today, this young man is a prominent doctor in Montreal, Canada.

This young man’s success came because he had learned the law of attraction. He discovered how to use his subconscious mind the right way. This involved making use of an age-old law that says, “Having clearly seen the end, you have willed the means to the realization of the end.” The end in this case was to become a physician. He was able to imagine, see, and feel the reality of being a doctor. He lived with the idea. He sustained it, nourished it, and loved it. At last through his visualization, the idea penetrated the layers of his subconscious mind. It became a conviction. That conviction then attracted to him everything that was needed for the fulfillment of his dream.


Knowing the laws of your subconscious mind, you will always be supplied regardless of what form money takes.

One reason many people simply make ends meet and never have enough money is that they condemn money. What you condemn takes wings and flies away.

Do not make a god of money. It is only a symbol. Remember that the real riches are in your mind. You are here to lead a balanced life – this includes acquiring all the money you need.

Don’t make money your sole aim. Claim wealth, happiness, peace, true expression, and love, and personally radiate love and goodwill to all. Then your subconscious mind will give you compound interest in all these fields of expression.

Money is not evil any more than copper, lead, tin, or iron that you may find in the ground are. All evil is due to ignorance and misuse of the mind’s powers.

Stop trying to get something for nothing. There is no such thing as a free lunch. You must give to receive. If you give mental attention to your goals, ideals, and enterprises, your deeper mind will back you up. The key to wealth is to apply the laws of the subconscious mind by impregnating it with the idea of wealth.

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind – Chapter 8

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

This book explain how your own subconscious thoughts shape your life and your surroundings.

If you want to be successful at something then just start doing it. You will reach to your goals at some point as long as you keep the right mindset and learn the tasks.

Dr Murphy explains each and everything with real life examples making it simple for the reader to relate and develop. This book offers some really great skills to learn with numerous examples. You can read some of the stories below.

I would recommend this book to anyone.

Check more reviews and details on Amazon.

Chapter 8: How To Get The Results You Want

Easy Does It

A homeowner whose furnace broke down during a bitter cold snap called a repairman. The repairman came at once. Within half an hour, the furnace was working again. The repairman then gave the homeowner a bill for $30.

“What!” the outraged homeowner exclaimed. “It took you no time at all. All you did was replace one small part. How can you have the nerve to charge me $30 for a little gizmo that can’t be worth more than five dollars?”

The repairman shrugged. “I charged you only two dollars for the broken part,” he said. “That’s what I had to pay for it.” The homeowner waved the bill in his face. “Two dollars!” he yelled. “This says $30!”

“That’s right,” the repairman said. “The other $28 is for knowing what was wrong and how to fix it.”

A young woman named Shara G. came to me close to despair. She was involved in a lengthy, complicated lawsuit that had been through one postponement after another, with no end in sight. Her deepest desire was for a harmonious solution to the suit. Her mental imagery, however, was full of failure, loss, bankruptcy, and poverty. The result was just as Coué would have predicted. Her imagination prevailed over her desire, and the suit dragged on and on.

At my suggestion, Shara put herself into a sleepy, drowsy, state each night at bedtime, then began to imagine the best possible ending to her problem. She put herself into a state of feeling it to the best of her ability. She knew that the image in her mind had to agree with her heart’s desire.

As she became drowsy, she began to imagine as vividly as possible a meeting with her lawyer after the lawsuit was settled. She heard herself asking him questions about the outcome and listening to his explanations. She heard him telling her over and over again, “The case has been settled out of court. This is a perfectly harmonious solution.”

During the day, when fear thoughts came into her mind, Shara would run her mental videotape of the meeting with her lawyer, complete with words and gestures. She imagined his smile, his mannerisms, the sound of his voice, the specific words he used. She did this so often, so faithfully, that her fears were counteracted before she even knew they had tried to come into her mind.

At the end of a few weeks, her attorney called her. He confirmed what she had been imagining and feeling as true. The lawsuit was settled, and she knew that the settlement was one she could accept as harmonious.


Think and plan independently of traditional methods. Know that there is always an answer and a solution to every problem.

When your mind is relaxed and you accept an idea, your subconscious goes to work to execute the idea.

Imagination is your most powerful faculty. Imagine what is lovely and of good report. You are what you imagine yourself to be.

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind – Chapter 7

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

This book explain how your own subconscious thoughts shape your life and your surroundings.

If you want to be successful at something then just start doing it. You will reach to your goals at some point as long as you keep the right mindset and learn the tasks.

Dr Murphy explains each and everything with real life examples making it simple for the reader to relate and develop. This book offers some really great skills to learn with numerous examples. You can read some of the stories below.

I would recommend this book to anyone.

Check more reviews and details on Amazon.

Chapter 7: The Tendency of The Subconscious Is Lifeward

Pott’s Disease Cured

Pott’s disease, or tuberculosis of the spine, used to be a terrible scourge of children. One child who contracted it was named Frederick Elias Andrews, of Indianapolis, Indiana. The disease made him a twisted cripple who could not walk and had to go about on his hands and knees. His physician pronounced him incurable.

Andrews refused to accept that verdict. He began to pray. He created his own affirmation, repeating it over and over many times a day and mentally absorbing the qualities he needed:

His subconscious mind responded according to the nature of his habitual thinking. He became a strong, straight, well-formed man.


Your subconscious is the builder of your body and is on the job twenty-four hours a day. You interfere with its life-giving pattern by negative thinking.

Thoughts of jealousy, fear, worry, and anxiety tear down and destroy your nerves and glands, bringing about mental and physical diseases of all kinds.

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind – Chapter 6

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

This book explain how your own subconscious thoughts shape your life and your surroundings.

If you want to be successful at something then just start doing it. You will reach to your goals at some point as long as you keep the right mindset and learn the tasks.

Dr Murphy explains each and everything with real life examples making it simple for the reader to relate and develop. This book offers some really great skills to learn with numerous examples. You can read some of the stories below.

I would recommend this book to anyone.

Check more reviews and details on Amazon.

Chapter 6: Practical Techniques in Mental Healings

Mental-Movie Method

A number of years ago I was in the Midwest on a lecture tour that took me to several states. I wanted to have a permanent base in the area so that I could serve those who needed my help. My travels carried me far away, but I did not forget the idea of a permanent base. One evening in Spokane, Washington, I relaxed on a couch in my hotel room. I immobilized my attention. In a quiet, passive manner I imagined that I was talking to a large audience. I said to those listening, “I am glad to be here; I have prayed for this ideal opportunity.”

I saw that imaginary audience in my mind’s eye, and I felt the reality of it all. I played the role of the actor and dramatized this mental movie. I felt satisfied that this picture was being conveyed to my subconscious mind, which would bring it to pass in its own way. The next morning, on awakening, I felt a great sense of peace and satisfaction. A few days later I received a call from an organization in the Midwest, asking me to take over as director. I did so, and I enjoyed several years of deeply fulfilling work there.

The method I have just described is often referred to as “the mentalmovie method.” I have received a great many letters from people who have read my books or heard me speak, telling me of the wonderful results they have obtained by using this technique.

The Baudoin Technique

Charles Baudoin was a professor at the Rousseau Institute in France. He was a brilliant psychotherapist and a research director of the New Nancy School of Healing. He discovered that the best way to impress the subconscious mind is to enter into a drowsy, sleepy state, or a state akin to sleep, in which all effort was reduced to a minimum. Then the idea can be conveyed to the subconscious in a quiet, passive, receptive way, by reflection. As Baudoin explained:

A very simple way of securing this (impregnation of the subconscious mind) is to condense the idea which is to be the object of suggestion, to sum it up in a brief phrase which can be readily graven on the memory, and to repeat it over and over again as a lullaby.

A few years ago, a young widow in Los Angeles found herself caught up in a prolonged and bitter family dispute. Her late husband had left his entire estate to her, but his sons and daughters from a previous marriage had filed suit to break the will. Her offers of a settlement were spurned.

When she asked me for my help, I explained the Baudoin technique to her. I urged her to condense the idea of her need into a phrase of a few words that could be easily impressed on her memory. The phrase she found was “It is finished in divine order.” To her, these words meant that infinite intelligence, operating through the laws of her subconscious mind, would bring about a harmonious conclusion through the principle of harmony.

Every night for ten nights she sat in an armchair, systematically relaxed her body, and entered into the sleepy state. Once in a sleepy state, she affirmed slowly, quietly, and feelingly the statement, “It is finished in divine order,” over and over again. She found herself achieving a sense of inner peace and an all-pervading tranquillity; then she went off into her deep, normal sleep.

On the morning of the eleventh day, she woke up with a sense of well-being and a conviction that it was indeed finished. Her attorney called her that same day. The opposing attorney and his clients were willing to settle. A harmonious agreement was reached, and the lawsuit was dropped.

The “Thank You” Technique

Recently a young mother told me of her experience with this technique. She said, “I was out of work and broke, with three small children to feed and clothe. I didn’t know where to turn. Then I heard you explain that we should be thankful even before our prayers are answered. It was as if a light had gone on in my mind. I knew I had to try it.”

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind – Chapter 5

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

This book explain how your own subconscious thoughts shape your life and your surroundings.

If you want to be successful at something then just start doing it. You will reach to your goals at some point as long as you keep the right mindset and learn the tasks.

Dr Murphy explains each and everything with real life examples making it simple for the reader to relate and develop. This book offers some really great skills to learn with numerous examples. You can read some of the stories below.

I would recommend this book to anyone.

Check more reviews and details on Amazon.

Chapter 5: Mental Healings in Modern Times

To illustrate how blind faith works, think back to our discussion of the Swiss physician, Franz Anton Mesmer. In 1776. he claimed to have produced many cures by stroking the bodies of his patients with magnets. Later, he threw away his magnets and simply made passes with
his hands at a short distance from the patient. This too worked. To explain the success of this new procedure. Mesmer evolved the theory of animal magnetism. This he held to be a fluid that pervades the universe but is most active in the human organism. He claimed that this
magnetic fluid was being transmitted from his hands to the diseased bodies of his patients and that this transfer of animal magnetism was what healed them. People flocked to him, and many wonderful cures were reported.

Mesmer moved to Paris. There, the government appointed a commission to investigate his cures. Its members included prominent physicians and members of the Academy of Science, of which Benjamin Franklin was a member. After a thorough inquiry, the commission admitted that Mesmer had produced confirmed cures. It held, however, that there was no evidence to prove the correctness of his magnetic fluid theory. It suggested that the effects were due to the imagination of the patients.

Soon after this, Mesmer was driven into exile. He died in 1815. Shortly afterward, Dr. James Braid of Manchester, England, undertook to show that magnetic fluid had nothing to do with the production of the healings of Dr. Mesmer. Dr. Braid discovered that patients could be thrown into hypnotic sleep by suggestion. While they were in the hypnotic trance, he succeeded in producing many of the amazing phenomena that Mesmer had ascribed to animal magnetism. You can readily see that all these cures were undoubtedly brought about by the active imagination of the patients together with a powerful suggestion of health to their subconscious minds. It is not unfair to call this blind faith, because neither the patients nor the practitioners understood how me cures were brought about.

Releasing the Kinetic Action of the Subconscious Mind

A psychologist friend of mine told me that a biopsy had shown the presence of cancerous cells in a vital organ. Her oncologist recommended a painful and dangerous treatment. Before agreeing, my friend tried another approach. Every night before going to sleep she quietly affirmed, “Every cell, nerve, tissue, and organ is now being made whole, pure, and perfect. My whole body is being restored to health and harmony.”

A complete healing followed in about a month’s time. Subsequent tests showed that the cancerous cells were no longer present.

I was very impressed by this, but also curious. I asked her why she repeated her affirmation prior to sleep. She told me, “Once it is set in motion in a certain direction, the kinetic action of the subconscious mind continues throughout your sleep. That is why it is so critical to give the subconscious mind something beneficial to work on as you drop off into slumber.”

Lesson Learn:

Find out what it is that heals you. Realize that correct directions given to your subconscious mind will heal your mind and body.

Develop a definite plan for turning over your requests or desires to your subconscious mind.

The Best Machine Learning Books That All Data Scientists Must Read

best ml books

Machine learning is an exciting field that has been growing rapidly in recent years and it’s only expected to continue to grow as we move forward into the future. There are many different options and topics that data scientists can explore while they’re studying machine learning, but there are some core principles and key texts that you should definitely be familiar with if you want to be taken seriously in this industry.

Today, I’ll take a look at the top machine learning textbooks that I’m currently reading and why you should read as well.

1. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach

Artificial Intelligence is a massive and multi-disciplinary field, so it’s no surprise that there are plenty of resources for those looking to jump into this field. The most highly rated textbook for AI students on Amazon is Peter Norvig and Stuart Russell’s Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. This book was introduced in 1995, and has been updated multiple times since then. This is a heavy book with 27 chapters that covers problem solving and search, logic and inference, planning, probabilistic reasoning and decision making, learning, communication, perception and robotics. Basically everything from common algorithms to neural networks and natural language processing.

Topics Covered:

  • Logical Agents
  • Learning, communication, perception and robotics
  • Supervised, Unsupervised learning and Reinforcement Learning, Machine Learning models and Algorithms
  • Probabilistic Reasoning
  • Natural Language Processing

This book is not only for students but also used by many experts in the field. Here are a few reviews from academics and professionals in the subject.

Experts Opinions

I like this book very much. When in doubt I look there, and usually find what I am looking for, or I find references on where to go to study the problem more in depth. I like that it tries to show how various topics are interrelated, and to give general architectures for general problems … It is a jump in quality with respect to the AI books that were previously available. — Prof. Giorgio Ingargiola (Temple).

Really excellent on the whole and it makes teaching AI a lot easier. — Prof. Ram Nevatia (USC).

It is an impressive book, which begins just the way I want to teach, with a discussion of agents, and ties all the topics together in a beautiful way. — Prof. George Bekey (USC).

2. Deep Learning (Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning series)

Ian Goodfellow, Yoshoua Bengio, and Aaron Courville are three researchers who stand at the forefront of Deep Learning. It comes with general context and comprehensive knowledge on mathematical foundation of Deep Learning. This book is highly recommended to read if you want to start your journey with deep learning.

Topics Covered:

First few chapters cover mathematical concepts for deep learning. You will be able to grasp these without difficulty if you have a concise knowledge of linear algebra, probability and statistics. Part 3 covers Deep Learning Research which include different techniques and methods for deep learning which is quite challenging.

  • Numerical Computation
  • Deep Feedforward Networks
  • Optimization for Training Deep Models
  • Deep Learning Research

Experts Opinions

“Written by three experts in the field, Deep Learning is the only comprehensive book on the subject.” —Elon Musk, cochair of OpenAI; cofounder and CEO of Tesla and SpaceX.

“If you want to know here deep learning came from, what it is good for, and where it is going, read this book.” —Geoffrey Hinton FRS, Professor, University of Toronto, Research Scientist at Google.

3. Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow: Concepts, Tools, and Techniques to Build Intelligent Systems 2nd Edition

This book is is a must-read book for everyone who seriously wants to enter this field. This is the perfect book for machine learning practitioners as it covers the most important aspects of machine learning, such as classification, regression, clustering, and dimensionality reduction. It simplifies highly complex concepts through concrete examples and real world example. It also provides detailed introduction of popular frameworks such as Scikit-Learn, Keras and TensorFlow. Author Aurélien Géron has put all the concepts in a beautiful manner so you can gain an intuitive understanding of the concepts and tools for building intelligent systems.

You need programming experience to get started, so learning Python programming language would greatly help to complete this book.

Topics Covered:

  • Introduction to machine learning and history
  • Use Scikit-Learn to track an example machine-learning project end-to-end
  • Explore several training models such as Support Vector Machines, Decision Trees, Random Forests, and Ensemble methods
  • Use the Tensor Flow library to build and train neural nets
  • Dive into neural net architectures, including convolutional nets, recurrent nets, and deep reinforcement learning
  • Techniques for training and scaling deep neural nets.

Experts Opinions

“An exceptional resource to study Machine Learning. You will find clear-minded, intuitive explanations, and a wealth of practical tips.” —François Chollet, Author of Keras, author of Deep Learning with Python.

“This book is a great introduction to the theory and practice of solving problems with neural networks; I recommend it to anyone interested in learning about practical ML.” — Peter Warden, Mobile Lead for TensorFlow.

4. Python Machine Learning – Second Edition: Machine Learning and Deep Learning with Python, scikit-learn, and TensorFlow 2nd Edition

You never want to miss this book If you really want to learn Machine learning. This is perfect book as its primary focus is exclusively on the implementation of a various machine learning algorithms. The book places a special emphasis on using Scikit-learn to implement these algorithms, and is a must for anyone looking to develop mastery around algorithm development.

Sebastian Raschka and Vahid Mirjalili has updated it to third edition in 2020, covering TensorFlow 2, ScikitlearnReinforcement learning, and GANs in the recent release.

Topics Covered:

  • Explore and understand the key frameworks for data science, machine learning and deep learning
  • Master deep neural network implementation using the TensorFlow library
  • Embed machine learning model in web application

These books are well worth to read if you want advance your machine learning knowledge and skills. I’ve printed copies of each book I mentioned above. In addition to that I also started to read several other ML books, pdf copies, watch YouTube videos and research papers to improve my ML skills and knowledge.